Thursday, August 14, 2008

Birth Stories: Becky

Becky, one of my oldest friends, has given me her birth story to share with you all. I love getting to hear about how sweet little creatures like Miss Frances "Bailey", make their entrance in to the world. So here it is...

On preparing for a natural childbirth:Chris and I prepared by reading everything we could get our hands on. We relied heavily on ‘Natural Childbirth: The Bradley Way’ by Susan McCutcheon. We attended ‘The Bradley Method’ Birthing Classes which were a little granola and sometimes outdated, but overall very informative.

On choosing a natural childbirth:Chris and I were determined to have Bailey without drugs. I have always felt that the risk of paralysis (from the epidural) was not worth taking in order to avoid a temporary pain. I also wanted to remain aware and involved in the birthing process. Friends who used an epidural testified that the pain did not cease, that they felt sleepy and one actually said that she lost her desire to continue laboring.

On finding a doctor who would respect their wishes: We were very fortunate to find an obstetrician who supports natural childbirth. Dr. Schilling, in McDonough GA, is fabulous! He said to me on one of our first visits—I found him 20 weeks into my pregnancy by the way—that he never met a blue (yes blue as in color) baby from a screaming mother. In other words, it was his professional opinion and finding that epidurals DO cross into the placenta and depress the babies’ C NS. Dr. Schilling also told Chris he could participate as intimately as he felt comfortable, and he promised me that he would help me birth Bailey without an epidural if that’s what I wanted.

On labor: I was able to birth Bailey without tearing or episiotomy because Dr. Schilling kindly performed a perineal massage. This, along with letting nature take its course, instead of pushing against an epidural made all the difference in an easy recovery. We had a delightful, dedicated, and supportive nursing staff that exceeded all of our expectations--we are so grateful to those hard-working ladies. Lastly, but certainly not least, was the help of my husband, Chris. Words cannot express how wonderful he was. Chris was tuned into me and Bailey throughout the entire process. He gave me all the physical and emotional support I needed. I could not have seen it through without him.
This was a long and difficult process. Laboring was painful-I vomited through the contractions until it became necessary to have IV fluids. There were many times I doubted myself—but I am one stubborn lady! Fourteen hours later, with ten of those hours being hard labor, our little girl let out the most beautiful scream I’ve ever heard. Bailey was born September 21, 2007 and measured 7.6lbs, 19in. long. I fully believe that my energy level and resolve to connect with and care for her beyond the birthing process was a result of choosing to abstain from the epidural and avoiding the pitocin. I was amazed at how alert Bailey was! She nursed with little struggle- and I was so happy to connect with her, to finally hold her in my arms and look into her sweet face. This was an awesomely unforgettable experience.

Thank you so much Becky for sharing your story. I think it is wonderful to hear the different views and experiences that women have dealing with childbirth. Each birth is so special no matter how children arrive in the world.

If you would like to share your birth story please contact me, my email is available on my profile. Thanks!

© copyright homemade grits

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