Sunday, December 21, 2008

Having it all

I have come to the conclusion in my short (ok not that short) 27 years, that having it all is indeed impossible. "Having it all" means that most areas in your life fall short because you just can't be everything to everyone. Lately my anxiety level has been pretty high my friends. This usually happens when a variety of things in my life seem to collide and explode in a messy pool of thoughts in my head.

Here are the following contributors:

General holiday stress-thank you cards piling up, getting gifts for everyone on my list, attending numerous functions without proper time to get ready, running out of Christmas cards, etc

Work- functioning on small amounts of sleep, trying to do my best, planning out outfits without many options for my current figure, feeling less than confident on a daily basis, wanting to maintain relationships without anytime to converse, getting Matilda with everything that she needs to and fro

Motherhood- wanting to spend all of my time with Matilda, missing her constantly, having all of these dreams of reading to her and teaching her new things (sign language, sitting up, laughing, smiling), desiring to raise a strong and happy child that will one day be a beautiful and confident woman

Wifeyness- wanting to be there for Sam as a friend and wife, having time for romance, listening without letting other thoughts creep in (need to go the store, there are dust bunnies becoming rabbits in the office, can he see my muffin top?)

Friendships- I haven't returned so and so's phone call (in this case it's Christy...please forgive me), wanting to invest in my close girl friends, keeping up with their lives, being a supportive friend and listener, making them feel as special as they make me feel

Family- having time to get together, keeping in touch with cousins, aunts and uncles, grand parents, wanting to be there for my brother and sister and parents, have I shown them how much I love them?

Guinness- has he been loved on enough, does he have enough food, needs exercise

Home-laundry, dinner, decorate, organize, dust, vacuum, design, fluff, fold

Just needed to get them all out. I feel better now.

© copyright homemade grits

1 comment:

Christy said...

i feel you! indeed, i feel you!

just know that you are amazing, and even if you feel like you fall short... i can assure you that to the rest of us you look like superwoman of the year! keep on keepin' on, girl!