This led us on thoughts of an adventure. We're already out, bags are packed, we can do anything. Rachel was all "What about the aquarium?" and I was all, "OKAY!" So the aquarium it was...
Neither Rachel nor I had been. I had been holding out, waiting for the buzz to die down. Rachel said it had been open for 3 years. THREE??? So, we got there and it was raining, we got in the elevator and then we saw them. The people. Wooooof. There were so many. So many strollers, babies, running children, people with video cameras. I am not a crowd person. At. All.
Matilda was very interested in the fish. This was the tunnel in the "ocean" exhibit. No one was moving. It was hard to see much. We travelled to and fro and then it happened. We discovered a secret looking glass that had the "ocean" and the "belugas" it was a slice of heaven.
© copyright homemade grits
That's a great idea...!
Matilda semble émerveillée !
she was amazed! i just looked up émerveillée. haha. love you!!
Goodness gracious I LOVE that little girl's face! I can't wait to kiss it in one mere month! xo
I just looked it up too . . .emerveillee = full with wonder?? that's so beautiful!
i want to tell you something.
i, of course, am biased about thinking that parker is the cutest baby alive. BUT, your matilda is a very, very close second.
dear lindsey,
i will take that compliment! parker is so gorgeous. wish you were closer so we could get them together:(
this is kind of random, but what kind of stroller is that?
it's a quinny buzz
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