Tuesday, August 25, 2009

etsy favorite: down and out chic

many of you know christina from the ridiculously popular down and out chic, but may be you don't know that she has opened an etsy shop with a slew of beautiful, vintage-inspired costume jewelry. all of her things are super affordable, of course. christina teaches being chic on the cheap everyday and now she's bringing the goods to your front door. i just ordered these...aren't they fab?

i also love these.

{pigeon hair pins, $14}

and these...

{mini mum earrings, $6}

actually, come to think of it, there isn't one thing in her shop i don't like. go take a peek.

© copyright homemade grits

1 comment:

Christina said...

what a sweet surprise lesley! thank you, thank you, thank you. you're the best.