Friday, October 16, 2009

adventures in shopping

last night in a rare opportunity, i went shopping with sister and mama. i was so excited to a) have a girls night b) spend some money getting some retail therapy c) enjoy an evening of no one needing anything from me. we were on borrowed time so we went to the avenues because it's close and not a mall.

i had been desperate to see jcrew's fall line in the flesh. their styling right now is quite simply...perfect. however, having curves and not fitting in the waif-like, model mold left me with disappointing results.

i did find some really great jeans, which some would say was a major achievement. they have just the right amount of stretch and a great wash.

i also love the jewels. love them.

it was downhill from there. we went to the loft, banana, the gap. same.same.same. it was so sad. i wanted to blow some bucks, but i couldn't even settle on anything.

i want her wardrobe. gimme.

and these shoes.

© copyright homemade grits


  1. embrace those curves, you look great!

  2. I went into JCrew the other night and was amazed at what I saw, no longer the preppy, soccer mom look. Very cute stuff!

  3. Love the J Crew collection BUT NOTHING fit me either. So so sad. I agree with you about the jewels... and about ZD's wardrobe.

  4. i just made a zooey stencil! ill send a photo of it once i get one. it turned out pretty good, but i made it for a friend.


i really appreciate you taking the time to comment. please check back if you've asked me a question, cause i'll answer it here. has anyone told you today how awesome you are? well you are.