30 before thirty.
here's the deal. i turn 30 in like 7 months. i'm thinking i need to ring in this milestone er decade in a serious way. there are things that i want to do, see. i want my life at thirty to look a certain way. below you will see thirty things i will accomplish before my twenties are like a faded memory.

here goes:
1. i want to get in SHAPE ie complete level 3 of this.
2.run a marathon. this one is on the books.
3. become a regular goer of church. i have this fantasy about eating breakfast on the square, walking to church, and then doing yoga here. i could not be more excited about lululemon coming to the square.
4. read the entire new testament as part of a devotional.
5. read two books in their entirety. i have this and this by my bed.
6. hike at least twice a week. i love going to the mountain with the fam.
7. go out of the country. really hoping it's here.
8. bring healthy lunches to work everyday
9. impact my community in some way, especially my neighborhood
10. figure out how to eat healthy
11. get at least 2 pedicures. (aka me time)
12. sew multiple clothing pieces for matilda
13. reach more people through facebook and twitter
14. read and understand this book.
15. take an advanced sewing course
16. have my designs in a retail space
17. invest more time in the folks that i love the most
18. give back
19. reach my goal weight (secret)
20. be able to run 3 miles at a time without passing out
21. do more things that scare me
22. do hot yoga
23. see the ocean
24. visit more friends
25.eat more vegetables
26. worry less about things i can't control
27. organize the drawers in my house
28. write more letters and thank you cards. i struggle with this.
29. two date nights a month
30. be able to do a full back bend
the greatest reward would be living a healthy life as an example to my darling girl.
recommendations? comments? life lessons? xo
© copyright homemade grits
Love this idea! I turn 30 in 10 months and am totally going to steal your idea and do a list of my own.
PS: You will love The Help and I just started reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
This looks like a great list! I am reading The Help right now!
Love the pictures of the girls - Ava got so excited when I showed her the pics and said "Bye Bye." Love this idea too! I've got a few goals in my head, so I'm going to put it on paper and add some more. You have inspired me!
Your list is great! I'm personally still working on 1, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, um, I could go on and on :) Having my foot firmly planted in my 30's (i'm 35), I can honestly say that they have been the BEST years yet. You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to my 20's, seriously.
I love the idea of this list! I'm 27, about to turn 28 and you're right. There's a certain way I want my life to look like when i'm thirty, too. Great list!!
GO FOR IT!!!!! I made a goal four months ago to run twenty six miles at twenty six. I signed up for the SF marathon, and this past Sunday finished. Two days later I just turned 27 and it feels great knowing I accomplished my goal!!! Go for your list!!! xo
I'm slowly becoming a runner too! Gobble Jog in Nov is on my list! I'll do Frogtown with you if you Gobble Jog with me!...
sounds like a good list lesley. you can do these and you're probably already doing many of them, more than you know!
I totally support your list (except losing weight--you don't need to lose a single pound), although I think you're already marvelous and I'd be mighty proud if my life looked like yours when I turn 30. But while you will be able to say "home-owner, wife, mother, business starter," mine will read more like "in debt, single, renting in an overpriced city, childless." ha!
love you.
awesome! i just made my 30 before thirty in june- but i'm giving myself a year!
well, I turn 30 next year too...!
feel a bit stressed for all things I didn't do yet !
I should be more like "take it easy"...
So now I do things one by one, triing my best to be a better person for my familly and friends.
I whish one day to look back in my life and to be proud or satisfied of what I've done and what kind of personn I became...
Bisous Les'
I think that these are all GREAT!!!
This is a great list, Les. And a very inspiring one.
Also, I can't wait to run the Frogtown with you! Kev and I are signed up as well. So fun!
How cool! You've inspired me to make a list too! Thank you...it's fantastic!
Melissa :-)
What a great idea. I turn 30 in a couple days and have been thinking about everything I have done over the past ten years. I wish I'd thought of making a list as well. Good luck.
So great. Good goals:) I have decided to do something about #4. If you'd like to follow along, check out my new devotional blog http://ajourneyofdevotion.blogspot.com
There's nothing like starting up a blog to keep yourself accountable and if others and gain something from it, that's great too!
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