don't judge me, but i have discovered the joys of toddlers and tv. it's pure decompression for this girl. sesame street is educational right? the tv has been saving me from afternoon meltdowns and allowing me to get laundry, dishes, and dinner done. who's gonna argue with that?
when i was taking this picture i was caught off guard at how beautiful matilda is, that she is wearing her blonde locks in a bun, and that i still have heart fluttery moments when i look at her. it's hard to believe that she's real sometimes. i prayed so hard to be a mom. everyday brings something new. for instance the other day at parker's second birthday party matilda learned what obama says..."CHANGE."
don't forget to enter the giveaway here and check out this fabulous raffle!
She really is so beautiful. I love her hair pulled back--it's the cutest. I love her when she's crunk, I love her when she's not crunk . . . and I can't wait to squeeze her (and you!) in just 5 weeks!
This is such a lovely photo, truly. And without "Mo" (Elmo) I swear dinner would not get made most nights.
she really is gorgeous!
That is a lovely photo. She is a beautiful child!
If it weren't for the show Yo Gabba Gabba I would never cook anything. Thank-you Nick Jr.
She is absolutely beautiful! :)
sweet picture, sweet post.
unbelievably beautiful. her expression makes me want to cry! she's so perfect.
So cute and don't feel bad. I totally left my oldest infront of the tv watching baby einstein for 9months while I battled morning sickness. He now knows all of his planets!
she is beautiful! tv keeps me from afternoon meltdowns, too. what a blessing on both accounts! :)
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