Thursday, June 16, 2011

money school: nine things a father should teach

4. Those who believe in personal responsibility control their own destiny.
5. Slow down — life is a marathon, not a sprint.
6. Violating the natural order of life can be costly.
7. The harder you work, the luckier you’ll get.
8. You won’t be young forever, so take advantage of youth while you can.
9. Always strive to spend less than you earn.

in lieu of father's day this sunday i wanted to share this great list from len penzo. i can't decide which one is my favorite. probably #1 or #7. hop on over to his site to read more.

i also wanted to pass along this inspiring post lindsay shared with me about living in "dutchie" for a year with her new husband to pay off their debt. i love that they decorated their new home and owned it. they paid off all of their debt and in turn have an incredible story.

would love to hear other stories like this. either comment below or email me!


sherri lynn said...

This is a great list!

Christina said...

I think #3 was a really important lesson for me to learn. It's easy to think that only people that make a certain amount of money can live debt free, but that's not even close to true. Learning to live within your means is key and that's different for everyone. No matter what the salary, you can achieve financial freedom. I think that's pretty awesome!

Jodi Kendall said...

Oh man, Bobby would LOVE to live in a duchie. Remember when he was on the RV living kick two years ago? He still talks about it sometimes. I love Lindsay's story and the financial life lesson list, so great.

S and O said...

Rule #1 had me in stitches :)
This is a really good list.

Lesley said...

yes, what ever happened to that idea? kind of love it. guess the ole rv couldn't hold a candle to nyc...

Natalie said...

Hold the phone -- I know Lindsay, too! I worked with her at the Mart in January. She is the cutest.

There is something to be said about living debt-free. Credit card debt can be nasty.

Lindsay N. Strickland said...

You are awesome, just so you know. I work in the wholesale furnishings industry and it's market time, aka...insanely busy!!

I just logged in and saw your post. Thank you for sharing your list, I loved it...and for sharing our story. I hope it inspires others to take a risk and not care what popular opinion says. Things are over-rated!! It's such an amazing feeling to not have a stitch of debt!

You're well on your way! :)