some recent inspiration for some fall designs for tiny fete.
i've had a little bit of blogger's block this week, but i've been feeling extra inspired to sew (yay!). i love all of these looks. on top of looking for fantastic, creative kids clothes i've been on the hunt for ideas for matilda's third birthday party (what?) and i'm extra excited about redoing her room. we've been potty training (eek-stickers were purchased today for motivation), talking about giving away her pacifier (i know, i know) and will be moving her in to a twin soon. totally open to tricks + tips for all of the above.
have a GREAT weekend. i will be going out tonight thanks to ma mere!
Those are beautiful things! I need to get motivated to do some potty training with Piper. PLEASE let me know what works.
We just happen to "lose" all the paci's...until he found a random one one day. But then I snipped off the tip and he didn't like it after that(since you can't actually suck on it). I've heard tying the paci to the fridge is helpful. Lets them have the comfort if they need it but it's annoying to have to sit by the fridge so they give it up after a while.
And potty training is 90 percent parents and 10 percent kids. Serious. Just gotta commit come hell or high water! (or high you know what...) :D give it a week, they catch on fast. Don't go back to diapers when it gets hard either. Lots of undies, lots of rags/stuff to clean up accidents/ lots of stickers for rewards. Maybe a sweet potty dance...and make sure any adult who is close by when success happens makes it the biggest deal ever. dancing, high fives, good job's, the whole sheh-bang.
My friend told her daughter they needed to give her pacifiers to a baby that didnt have any. They put them in an envelope and "mailed them". It sounds too easy but it worked! As for the potty, I made a huge deal out of buying "big boy" undies, then just let them wear those around the house and kept reminding them to go. They had a few accidents, but hated the feeling of wet pants, and I think that motivated them to run faster to the potty! Good luck!
love these! Especially number #1. Glad you're feeling inspired about sewing again.
So glad you get to go out tonight--fun! And how cute are those little kiddo clothes? Matilda being almost 3 is crazy. Jennifer cut the tip off Ethan's pacis and it worked like a charm. love you!
I love all of your inspirations for sewing! So fun! Can't wait to see! Potty training is such hard work. Two tips that worked for me with ours were to set the timer on the microwave (kind of a Pavlov's bell type thing, ha) and everytime it beeped, we went to the potty. For the first day, we did it every 15 minutes and then gradually added time. Another thing that helped with my girls was that I painted their fingers and toes while they were sitting on the potty to help them sit longer. I read two books that were helpful: PottyWise and Toilet Training in a Day. Just some thoughts? Good luck! It's hard work!
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